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LAB-CO is a nonprofit laboratory for policy innovation in crime prevention, citizen security, justice and human rights in Latin America.


Differentiated Attention to Violence Against Women at the Attorney General’s Office of Chiapas

Given the need to address gender-based violence against women, a Risk Level Assessment Tool was designed.

Strengthening Capacities of Mexican Prosecutor’s Offices and Courts for Data Analysis
Strengthening Capacities of Mexican Prosecutor’s Offices and Courts for Data Analysis

As part of USAID's program for the Strengthening of State Justice Institutions (ConJusticia), LAB-CO is supporting Mexican Prosecutor's Offices and Courts to improve their capacities for data collection, processing, analysis, and visualization to promote evidence-based decision-making and accountability.

Reducing Sexual Harassment in Public Transport through Behavioral Economics in El Salvador

Based on field research and findings from several focus groups with users and drivers, LAB-CO developed four strategies designed to influence various cognitive biases through modifications in the physical environment of the buses.

Guardians of Public Transport: Virtual Reality as a Mechanism to Reduce Sexual Harassment

The project involved the development of five workshops focused on mental health and the promotion of healthy masculinities, along with an immersive virtual reality experience intended to strengthen the drivers’ empathy towards victims of sexual harassment in public transport.

Problem-Oriented Policing in Morelia, Michoacán
Implementation of Problem Oriented Policing (POP)

As part of USAID's program for the Crime Prevention and Reduction (PREVI), LAB-CO provided technical assistance to the Municipal Commission for Citizen Security for the incorporation of Problem-Oriented Policing (POP) to its processes.

Consolidation of the Homologated Model of Civic Justice
Consolidation of the Homologated Model of Civic Justice in Municipalities of Mexico

As part of USAID's program for the Crime Prevention and Reduction (PREVI), LAB-CO is providing support and technical assistance in the implementation and consolidation of the Homologated Model of Civic Justice

Criminal Analysis Training and Certification Program (ATENA)
Criminal Analysis Training and Certification Program (ATENA)

The goal of the ATENA Program is to improve high-impact crime investigations by strengthening the capacities of criminal analysts and implementing policies and mechanisms which ensure full and optimal participation of analysts within the investigation tetralogy.

Strengthening Anti-Corruption Supervisory Institutions of Mexican prosecutors’ offices (CONFÍA)
Strengthening Anti-Corruption Supervisory Institutions of Mexican Prosecutors’ Offices (CONFÍA)

The CONFÍA Program aims to increase the effectiveness of Mexican state institutions to detect, investigate and sanction corrupt public officials of Attorney General’s Offices (AGOs), both at the administrative and criminal level.

Exploratory research on body cameras in Mexico
Exploratory Research on Body Cameras in Mexico

LAB-CO conducted an exploratory investigation on the use of Body-Worn Cameras (BWC) by Police forces in Mexico

Dominican Republic Police Academy Assessment
Dominican Republic Police Academy Assessment

LAB-CO conduced an assessment of the Dominican Republic’s Police Academy, in collaboration with the Pan American Development Foundation (PADF) and the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL).

Training materials for police and justice
Training Materials for Police and Justice Operators in Mexico

LAB-CO collaborated with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Mexico’s Violence Prevention and Reduction Project (PREVI) in the development of training materials for the application of the National Police and Civic Justice Model.

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San Salvador – Guadalajara – Ciudad de México