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USAID Project for Citizen Coexistence

Since 2023, LAB-CO El Salvador has been a part of the USAID Project for Citizen Coexistence (PCC) as an implementing partner, implemented by Chemonics along with Glasswing and ConTextos (2022-2027). The PCC aims to reduce the vulnerabilities of young people living in the municipalities of San Salvador, Santa Ana, and San Miguel, in high-risk communities affected by gang influence, crime, or social violence, which in turn drive irregular migration.

LAB-CO primarily contributes to the PCC’s goal of strengthening the citizen security policy framework, using data and evidence. As part of its work agenda, LAB-CO has contributed to the development of public policy sessions, including Conflict Management, Psychosocial Care, and Structured Socialization, among others. Additionally, it participates in the co-design of a Citizen Coexistence Model. It has generated proposals for measuring public policy formulation, as well as feasibility studies for adapting the Civic Justice Model to the Salvadoran context. Moreover, it has developed context analyses to provide feedback to the PCC team on the opportunities and challenges of implementing the PCC in El Salvador.




Chemonics International

2023 – 2027

El Salvador


San Salvador, San Miguel, Santa Ana


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San Salvador – Guadalajara – Ciudad de México